20 Self-Love Songs (for dancers) – #movetolove2019

February is supposed to be about love, but the most important kind of love for girls ages 8 – 17 is not romantic. We believe girls need more self-love. And we believe a key ingredient of self-love (& happiness) is doing what you love. The world needs strong & inspired girls doing more of what they love!

It’s day 3 of our #movetolove2019 series, where we’re spotlighting Friday Night Show performances from our dance camps. We’ve chosen 20 self-love songs with lyrics that echo our dance camp mission: to empower girls to move to love.

What exactly do we mean by “move to love”?

MOVE – to pass from one place or position to another.

LOVE – to access the part of our mind that is connected to Spirit; the source of peace, joy, happiness and a whole bunch of other “positive” emotions.

So move to love means to move to a new place (or state of mind) – the state of mind connected to your Spirit (peace, joy, happiness…all that positive stuff). Please share your inspirational dance videos on Instagram this month! #movetolove2019 @danceadtc

Song #3: “Who You Are” By Jessie J

Originally performed at our MD Dance Camp

“Don’t lose who you are, in the blur of the stars. Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing. It’s okay not to be okay. Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart. But tears don’t mean you’re losing, everybody’s bruising. 

There’s nothing wrong with who you are.”

The Self-Love Lesson from “Who You Are” by Jessie J

As young girls we have a natural sense of ease about us. We feel free to be who we are without apologies. We radiate love. As we grow, our culture can alter our perception of ourselves and dim our inner light. A major contributor to this change is the thoughtless & unconscious words and messages around us.

Much of the content on TV and social media are negative self-messages aimed at convincing us to consume more, compete with our friends, doubt our bodies and find happiness in things rather than in ourselves. Many of our limiting thought patterns can be attributed to unconsciously adopting negative societal beliefs at certain pivotal moments during childhood.

Psychologists say that we’re born with only two fears: falling and loud noises. This means that every other fear is LEARNED. So, if we want to un-learn the fear that there’s something inherently wrong with who we are and move back to the love we knew as little girls, the first step is to understand the fear-based illusions we’ve learned from the outside world.

Luckily, love is internal and always available, we just have to choose to believe in it again…and re-learn how to be true to who we are.

More About Our Dance Camp Mission

ADTC Movement ManifestoAmerican Dance Training Camps is a company inspired by and created for strong girls. Doing what we love enables us to embody, model & teach our sixteen character values, or “movement manifesto.”

The ADTC Movement Manifesto is one way we promote our values within our dance camp community. It is an ever-evolving collection of bold thoughts that allow for some real conversations to take place at camp and throughout the year.

Learn more about ADTC’s mission & manifesto here!

Early Bird Registration Discount

$150 OFF per-session (alumni); $100 OFF new campers

Register and pay in full by April 15th

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