20 Girl Power Songs (for dancers) – #movetolove2019

March is Women’s History Month, and we’re celebrating amazing women (& girls!) in dance history and pop culture. As we discussed with our 20 Self-Love Songs (for dancers) last month, we believe the world needs strong & inspired girls like us doing more of what we love.

So we’ve decided to continue our #movetolove2019 series, and this month spotlight performances from our dance camps with the Friday Night Show theme, “It’s Great To Be A Girl.” We’ve chosen 20 girl power songs that echo our dance camp mission: to empower girls to move to love.

What exactly do we mean by “move to love”?

MOVE – to pass from one place or position to another.

LOVE – to access the part of our mind that is connected to Spirit; the source of peace, joy, happiness and a whole bunch of other “positive” emotions.

So move to love means to move to a new place (or state of mind) – the state of mind connected to your Spirit (peace, joy, happiness…all that positive stuff). Please share your inspirational dance videos on Instagram this month! #movetolove2019 @danceadtc

Song #4: “Independent Women” By Destiny’s Child

Performed at our VT Dance Camp

Girl Power Song #4 – “Independent Women” by Destiny’s Child

“Independent Women” by Destiny’s Child is a girl power anthem that calls for us to live our most empowered life. In order to do this, we must recognize and align ourselves with energies that support our stability (not only financially, but also emotionally and psychologically).

How can we begin planting seeds TODAY that will help us cultivate our most empowered life as independent women?

  1. Commit to Radical Acceptance. It’s time to accept all of who we are, the life we’ve lived, our gifts and shortcomings. Radical acceptance will connect us with our most authentic self.
  2. Courageously Connect With Others. Once we’ve connected with our most authentic self, we’re ready to embrace our vulnerability and share our heart and soul with another person…this is a deeply healing and beautiful experience!
  3. Embrace Anger. As girls, we’ve learned to disown our anger with shame and fear. But when we release the charge of our anger, its wisdom can be channeled into creative power and used as a force for positive change in the world.
  4. Awaken Compassion. As girls, we often blame ourselves for our situations. Self-blame is toxic and cripples our self-esteem and ability to be empowered and happy. Once we release the charge of our anger, we begin to forgive our self and compassion naturally arises.
  5. Shift Perspective. The key to shifting our perspective from fear to love (or from victim to empowered woman) is to realize that we always have the power to choose how we respond to any situation. The more we believe we have a choice, and the more we exercise our choice, the more powerful and in control of our life we will feel.
  6. Find Our Voice. The world needs to hear our story! Even (or maybe especially) our painful experiences have gifted us with wisdom, compassion, sensitivity, resilience, and understanding. We never know whom our path will inspire.

As Independent Women, we can rise in our power, heal our broken minds and hearts, and reclaim the magic we knew as little girls. When we release our anger, we’re able to connect to our passion. This can lead to a new purpose in our life that will inspire other girls to connect to their passion and become leaders.

More About Our Dance Camp Mission

ADTC Movement ManifestoAmerican Dance Training Camps is a company inspired by and created for strong girls. Doing what we love enables us to embody, model & teach our sixteen character values, or “movement manifesto.”

The ADTC Movement Manifesto is one way we promote our values within our dance camp community. It is an ever-evolving collection of bold thoughts that allow for some real conversations to take place at camp and throughout the year.

Learn more about ADTC’s mission & manifesto here!

Early Bird Registration Discount

$150 OFF per-session (alumni); $100 OFF new campers

Register and pay in full by April 15th

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